Managing Advanced Prostate Cancer: Treatment Landscape, Patient Care, and Quality of Life - Episode 12

Closing Reflections and the Importance of Early Detection

November 18, 2024
Joseph F. Renzulli MD, FACS

Mitchell Cornet, MPP, MHSA

Panelists discuss key advice for patients and caregivers navigating advanced prostate cancer, highlighting essential insights for those newly diagnosed and sharing valuable guidance received from health care professionals and advocates during their journeys.

Video content above is prompted by the following:

  1. What advice do you have for patients and caregivers navigating advanced prostate cancer?
  2. What do you wish people newly diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer knew? Was there any particularly helpful advice you received from an advocate, nurse, or healthcare provider you’d like to share with others?
  3. Any final thoughts or messages you'd like to share with the audience?