Winter 2007 | CURE

Caught in Medicare Limbo

March 09, 2010


In the United States, nearly 1.5 million people under age 65 with severe and permanent disabilities do not have access to Medicare coverage because of a mandatory waiting period, according to a new report by the Medicare Rights Center

A Dose Of Information

December 11, 2007

Special Report

Cancer patients encounter some direct-to-consumer advertising in print, and the safety information such as side effects and adverse reaction details required by the Food and Drug Administration can be difficult and overwhelming to try to understand.

When Survivors Speak And Physicians Listen

December 11, 2007

Speaking Out

Ovarian cancer survivor advocates led the way for scientific studies of early symptoms of ovarian cancer and are ultimately responsible for the recognition and consensus statement on the warning signs by the medical community.

How Dense Are Your Bones?

December 11, 2007


Physicians assess bone mineral density (BMD) to monitor the impact of cancer therapy—especially hormone modifying treatments and aromatase inhibitors—on patients’ bones over time, and to diagnose osteoporosis and determine who should be treated for it.

Adding to the Arsenal

December 11, 2007


New drugs to prevent osteoporosis are being studied and may effectively protect the bones of cancer patients with and without bone metastasis from treatment induced bone loss and osteoporosis.

Artistic Healing

December 11, 2007


The Creative Center: Arts in Healthcare is a community of artists, patients, and survivors in New York City dedicated to bringing creative arts to people living with cancer and other chronic illnesses.