A number of resources can help survivors plan for the future:
"Coming Together to Improve Care for Survivors of Adult Cancer, The Master Action Plan from the November 2006 Stakeholders' Meeting in Washington, D.C." and other resources can be found at www.nursingcenter.com/ajncancersurvivors.
"From Cancer Patient to Cancer Survivor: Lost in Transition" can be ordered, or downloaded and read free at www.iom.edu/CMS/28312/4931/30869.aspx.
The American Cancer Society's Cancer Survivor Network has information on communicating with your doctor as well as other survivor information at www.acscsn.org.
The Lance Armstrong Foundation offers survivorshop worksheets and a survivors' notebook at www.livestrong.org (look under "Cancer Support" and "Get Organized").
The National Cancer Insititute booklet "Facing Forward: Life After Cancer Treatment" can be found at www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/life-after-treatment.
The Cancer Survivors Project has guidelines for survivors, including information on obtaining a treatment summary, organized by type of cancer, at www.cancersurvivorsproject.org/health_care_guidelines.html.