More About Pain

October 21, 2009
CURE, Fall 2007, Volume 6, Issue 5

Cancer survivors may experience chronic pain long after treatment, but support and information resources are available to help.

The National Pain Foundation explains facts and myths of cancer pain and has links to pain treatment providers at


The Oncology Nursing Society site,, has general information on pain and details on cancer-related peripheral neuropathy.

The American Pain Society has an extensive list of links for general and cancer pain resources at


The National Cancer Institute,, has information about pain and other physical changes caused by cancer treatment.


The Association of Cancer Online Resources,, has information about pain medicine, its side effects, and the myth of addiction.


Search for “chronic pain” on the Lance Armstrong Foundation website,, for details on the causes of chronic pain and how to manage, treat, and track your pain with your doctor.


For additional information on pain, visit The American Academy of Hospice & Palliative Medicine at, the International Association for the Study of Pain at, and the European Association for Palliative Care at