digital sherpa™ Train-the-Trainer program

February 13, 2023

Advocacy Groups | <b>Patient Empowerment Network</b>

The digital sherpa™ Train-the-Trainer program enables community-based organizations and healthcare institutions to provide digital literacy training workshops to empower their communities. PEN provides a one-time grant of $2,500 plus personalized training to program partners on how to implement the program so that cancer patients and their families can learn to effectively navigate their diagnosis through using technology. To-date, this program has empowered more than 10,000 older individuals across America.

Our general digital sherpa™ page, found here, provides information about the program and includes informational videos at the bottom of the page that give a great overview of how the program has a positive impact on the community.

I have attached a flyer about the opportunity to become a digital sherpa™ Train-the-Trainer partner. In addition, here are some a couple of case study interviews that can be added, if able, that discuss their experience being a digital sherpa™ Train-the-Trainer partner:

  • Click here to read an inspiring story from CSC Arizona, one of PEN’s digital sherpa™ Train-the-Trainer partners.
  • Here is a link to learn about how Lazarex Cancer Foundation empowers their community through digital sherpa™ Train-the-Trainer.