Determining the Target to Find the Right Treatment

November 28, 2017
Mike Hennessy, Sr.

CURE, Lung Special Issue (2), Volume 1, Issue 2

Genetic mutations help fuel the growth of cancer tumors in patients. And, in recent years, experts in the medical field have begun to better understand how targeting those mutations can knock out the spread of the disease.

Genetic mutations help fuel the growth of cancer tumors in patients. And, in recent years, experts in the medical field have begun to better understand how targeting those mutations can knock out the spread of the disease.

For non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), the most frequent diagnosis in this disease type, genetic testing is now recommended and can help pinpoint if a patient has one of these gene mutations.

In this special issue of CURE®, we feature an article on new targeted therapies that have been approved in the treatment of NSCLC. Leading experts in the field share their insight into the targeted drugs that exist now, as well as how this type of therapy is revolutionizing the treatment of the disease. We hear from two patients about how their lives have been changed by finding the right targeted treatment. We also take a closer look at stress and if it plays a role in the development of lung cancer. A recent study compared people with lung cancer with those without disease. It showed that those with lung cancer had more stressful life events. We offer tips on how to create more serenity and decrease stress.

Many patients say one of the most stressful situations is travel for medical care. Often, the best oncology treatment can be found at major medical centers, which are found in larger cities. This limits access to patients who live far away or in rural areas. They may have longer commutes to the center or can’t get there at all. Two experts discuss how telehealth can expand options for patients with lung cancer.

Also in this issue, updated treatment guidelines for advanced disease, stem cell research and personalized care, and how the American Lung Association is working to end stigma surrounding lung cancer.

The treatment of lung cancer is constantly evolving, we hope you find this special issue helpful in your quest to understand what awaits in the future. As always, thank you for reading.