CURE's Top 5 Stories: October 2018

November 1, 2018
Jessica Skarzynski
Jessica Skarzynski

Here are the top 5 CURE stories for October 2018.

Here are the top 5 CURE stories for October 2018.

5. Airbnb Announces Medical Care Housing Program

Learn more about the expansion of Airbnb’s Open Homes platform, which offers free, temporary housing for patients and their families traveling for treatment or respite stays.

4. Tired of the Cancer Conversation

Thinking about cancer day after day can be exhausting. In this piece, CURE contributor Heather Millar explores why it’s okay — and sometimes necessary – to take a break from cancer.

3. The Stigma Remains High in Lung Cancer

The stigma associated with lung cancer diagnoses remains a major challenge, according to the findings of a national survey conducted by the Lung Cancer Alliance. Take a closer look at them in this story.

2. Aromatherapy and Reflexology Reduce Pain and Anxiety

In addition to avoiding another pill or procedure, learn how noninvasive tools like aromatherapy and reflexology are helping patients get through ovarian cancer treatment in this look at a recent study on the subject.

1. Cancer Prevention

From sugar to stress, this CURE contributor piece asks, “Are there really any lifestyle changes that can truly keep cancer at bay?”

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