CURE’s Top Stories: August 2020

September 1, 2020
Jessica Skarzynski
Jessica Skarzynski

Each month, we take a look back at the most popular CURE® stories. Here are the top five stories for August 2020.

Each month, we take a look back at the most popular CURE® stories. Here are the top five stories for August 2020.

5. Appendix Cancer: An Elusive Diagnosis

Often uncovered by accident, appendiceal cancers trigger few symptoms until they’re advanced and can be difficult to detect and treat. Learn more about them in this feature from our Rare Cancers publication.

4. ‘Black Panther’ Actor Chadwick Boseman Dies From Colon Cancer

Chadwick Boseman, known best for his role in “Black Panther,” died on August 28th after receiving a colon cancer diagnosis four years ago.

3. Sex After Cancer: The Topic No One Wants to Talk About

Survivor and CURE® contributor Bonnie Annis examines her own experience with post-cancer intimacy in an effort to help others who might be struggling to return to some form of normal in their intimate life.

2. Can Cancer Cause Dental Problems?

After being hesitant to look at the probable relationship between dental health and cancer, CURE contributor Jane Biehl, Ph.D. takes a closer look at how cancer and its treatments can impact dental health.

1. When it Comes to Metastatic Breast Cancer, Six Years is Not Enough

Approximately 42,000 people will die from breast cancer this year and yet only 2% to 5% of the funds raised actually go to metastatic breast cancer research, according to METAvivor. After being diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer in March 2014, Marissa Holzer explores why more needs to be done for this patient population.

Thank you for reading!