
Cancer Survivors, Caregivers Share Their Mantras That Helped Them Persevere

May 3, 2023
Brielle Benyon
Brielle Benyon

Brielle Benyon, Assistant Managing Editor for CURE®, has been with MJH Life Sciences since 2016. She has served as an editor on both CURE and its sister publication, Oncology Nursing News. Brielle is a graduate from The College of New Jersey. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time with family and friends, CrossFit and wishing she had the grace and confidence of her toddler-aged daughter.

We recently asked patients, survivors and caregivers of those with cancer to share an inspiring quote or mantra that helped them through cancer.

Going through cancer can be extremely difficult, so sometimes patients, survivors or caregivers turn to a mantra or inspirational quote to get them through their toughest days.

In a recent #CUREConnect question on social media, we asked our audience, “Do you have a mantra or inspirational quote that helped you through cancer?”

Here is what our readers had to say.

Trust the Process and Stay Optimistic

"Do you have a quote or mantra that helped you through the cancer experience?" against a blue backdrop with motivational stickers around it

We asked our audience if they had a quote or mantra that helped them through the cancer experience.

“Strength is what we gain from the madness we survive.” — Jennifer B.

“All will be well.” — Mary B.

“Where you are right now is not where you end up. You are on a journey.” — Ann Marie

“My girl’s (mantra) was, ‘I can do hard things.’ It’s now a tattoo above her port scar.” — Debbie Legault, a CURE® contributor and mother to a breast cancer survivor.

“Trust the process.” — Bekah M.

“I read this quote during my cancer treatment and I said it every day. Still do, five years later. ‘It is essential to remain positive and hopeful.’” — Instagram user cmmrubin

#moresunnydays Because living with cancer is all about counting your sunny days 🌞#cervivor” — Carol L.

“(I’m) still going through my chemo journey. Every morning and every night, I say to myself, ‘I trust the process of life to take care of me.’ I also say, ‘I am going to live!’” — Francesca P.

“The best way out is always through!” — Instagram user, Officeassistplus

Finding Hope in Religion

“God has got this.” — Sharron Hughes

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:14)” — Leona W.

Inspiration From Other Media, Rituals

“I read the book ‘The Silver Lining’ by Hollye Jacobs (RN, MSW, and breast cancer survivor). Hollye's account was inspirational, and I continue to follow this quote, ‘Find a silver lining every day, regardless of how small.’” — Leona W.

“I had music, fight song, and lemongrass as a smell for a sense of calm and energy.” — Tamera Anderson Hanna, a breast cancer survivor and CURE® contributor.

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