Ovarian Cancer | Tumor

CURE’s ovarian cancer page is a go-to resource for oncology news and updates in the world of ovarian cancer Here, readers will find cancer articles, videos, podcasts, and more with expert insight into the latest treatments and research in ovarian cancer.

Do I Have Ovarian Cancer? Understanding the Early Signs, Detection and Treatment

September 26th 2021, 6:00pm


Learn more about the symptoms, risk factors and treatment options for ovarian cancer.

Age, Other Health Factors Can Play a Role in Cancer Treatment Decisions

September 23rd 2021, 9:00pm


The prescription of systemic cancer therapies varies based on a patient’s age, comorbidities, cancer stage and other variables, according to recent research.

Living With Lynch Syndrome: Pick Your Hard

August 31st 2021, 6:00pm


Women with hereditary cancer syndromes must make difficult decisions about whether to keep their reproductive parts and risk dying young, or to remove them but potentially open themselves up to health issues. “Pick your hard,” writes one woman.

IUDs May Reduce Ovarian Cancer Risk by 30%

August 23rd 2021, 1:00pm


This contraceptive method may provide more benefits beyond contraception, but more research is needed in this area.

'Stronger Than the Storm' of Cancer

August 20th 2021, 11:00pm


A woman who was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer shares a poem about dealing with the obstacles of a health crisis and the struggles of life in general.

PET Scan Stirs Old Memories, Prompts New Dreams for Patient With Cancer

August 18th 2021, 4:00pm


There’s been joy in the journey, along with the drugs, the endless waiting in chilly waiting rooms, the lab work, shaving my head twice, the CT scans every three months and the steady hum of anxiety in my brain. The time with my husband, kids and grandkids has made it worth every minute of cancer treatment. Bring it on, cancer.

Long-Term Data Show No Survival Benefit Associated With Annual Screening in Women at Low Risk For Ovarian Cancer

August 3rd 2021, 11:00pm


The results, according to the study authors, demonstrate that screening the general population for tubal and ovarian cancer each year does not result in a survival benefit.

Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy May Be the 'Ticket' For Inflamed Lymph Nodes

July 28th 2021, 4:00pm


An ovarian cancer survivor shares her experience receiving a radiation treatment on her lymph nodes.

Making Room for Miracles And Modern Medicine as a Patient With Stage 4 Cancer

July 20th 2021, 4:00pm


“I could’ve implemented my bucket list, backed away from writing contracts, outlined my end-of-life wishes and prepared my children for my possible, impending demise,” writes a woman with ovarian cancer. “Instead, I signed a four-book publishing contract and started a full-time career as a fiction writer.”

Oral Contraceptives May Reduce Risk of Ovarian Cancer in BRCA Carriers

July 19th 2021, 1:00pm


BRCA mutation carriers who used oral contraceptives for a long period of time had a lower risk of developing ovarian cancer, according to new research.