Myeloma | Tumor


What is Mesothelioma – is malignant cancer that forms around internal organs in the thin layer of tissue surrounding the majority of the body’s internal organs. It is a deadly and very aggressive form of cancer where unlike most cancer diagnoses there is no cure and the person that has contracted it is left with a certain outcome to their illness. A life expectancy of 1 to 3 years is expected depending on when the disease was diagnosed.

Symptoms – for Pleural mesothelioma which impacts the tissue surrounding the lungs the symptoms are traditionally chest pain in the area beneath the rib cage, coughing that is painful, shortness of breath and easily winded, weight loss that is unexplainable and lumps of tissue on the chest under the skin. Peritoneal mesothelioma symptoms which include the abdomen usually cause pain in the abdomen, swelling, lumps of tissue in the abdomen, and once again weight loss that is unexplainable.

Causes – The primary cause of mesothelioma is discovered to be an exposure to asbestos, usually the exposure occurred on the job wherever there were asbestos fibers present. This could be during service in the Navy as a shipbuilder which is the most common but also in any field where asbestos products were used such as construction, manufacturing, flooring, mining, insulation manufacturing, and auto mechanics.

Mesothelioma Lawyers – Due to the fact that a product was found to be the cause of mesothelioma cancer there are resources and compensation that could be due to anyone with this diagnosis. Cancer Horizons is pleased to partner with Mesothelioma Help to make all of their resources available to our community both now and in the future whenever a diagnosis occurs. We invite you to learn as much as possible by downloading “the Patients Complete Guide to Mesothelioma” for Free.