Metastatic Breast Cancer | Tumor

CURE’s metastatic breast cancer page features the latest cancer news and updates on metastatic breast cancer Through articles, videos, podcasts, and more, CURE brings readers the insights of experts, cancer survivors, patients, and advocates to ensure everyone is up to date in metastatic breast cancer.

Yikes! Can Surgery Spread Cancer?

April 23rd 2018, 7:45pm


One breast cancer survivor's thoughts on news from a recent study about the potential risks of surgery.

Metastatic Cancer's Cloak of Invisibility

March 30th 2018, 6:32pm


What it's like to live in a world that includes me, yet somehow keeps me out.

Sometimes a Cancer Patient Becomes a Cancer Caregiver

March 25th 2018, 11:25pm


When roles change over time, use your cancer super powers to help, says melanoma and breast cancer survivor Barbara Tako.

Love Over Fear

March 22nd 2018, 4:48pm


In this episode, we’ll talk with founder Donna Deegan herself about the foundation and its efforts, as well as the foundation’s executive director Amanda Napolitano on how much they have raised so far, and we’ll hear from one very inspiring participant Hollis Youngner.

5 Ways to Feel Less Isolated After a Cancer Diagnosis

March 15th 2018, 8:43pm


There are ways to bring a sense of belonging back to your world.

Popular Heart Medications May Curb Cardiac Toxicity in Patients With Breast Cancer

March 15th 2018, 6:23pm


Findings from a new study presented at the American College of Cardiology’s 67th Annual Scientific Session showed that adding two popular heart medications to the chemotherapy regimen may prevent heart damage from happening in these patients.

The Second Chance I Will Never Have

March 13th 2018, 8:15pm


This survivor regrets not being there when her mother passed away from metastatic breast cancer.

Each Of Us Is Unique: What are The Odds Of My Breast Cancer Coming Back?

March 12th 2018, 5:29pm


Breast cancer survivor's questions about genetic testing are ahead of the research.

Choosing Love Over Fear

March 5th 2018, 11:34pm


The DONNA Foundation hosted its 11th annual marathon weekend in support of research and providing financial assistance to women with breast cancer.

Positivity and the Placebo Effect

March 4th 2018, 1:29am


How we think about things can have a powerful impact on our experiences. Here's why that matters for people with cancer.