Metastatic Breast Cancer | Tumor

CURE’s metastatic breast cancer page features the latest cancer news and updates on metastatic breast cancer Through articles, videos, podcasts, and more, CURE brings readers the insights of experts, cancer survivors, patients, and advocates to ensure everyone is up to date in metastatic breast cancer.

Why I’m Forever Grateful for My Genetic Mutations

March 6th 2021, 7:00pm


As her seven-year cancerversary approaches, one patient with metastatic breast cancer shares why she is grateful to be a 'mutant'.

Make Room For The Under-65s: What the COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout Has Taught Me About My 'Value'

February 22nd 2021, 5:00pm


Vaccine eligibility forces this metastatic breast cancer patient to confront the value society places on her life.

Unwanted Cancer Reminders and Mix-Ups

February 1st 2021, 5:00pm


Overdue reminders are often reminders of where we are on the cancer journey.

The Life Lessons of Roller Skating

January 28th 2021, 5:00pm


Skating has been an invaluable part of my life, and one that taught me a crucial lesson for handling life with cancer.

COVID-19 'Retired' Me, But Now I Can Reach For My Life Goals

January 22nd 2021, 5:00pm


With a terminal illness of metastatic breast cancer, I qualify for Social Security Disability as the COVID-19 pandemic has retired me, but that isn't stopping me from achieving my life goals.

Count Me Among The Breast Cancer Recurrence Project

January 17th 2021, 7:00pm


The Breast Cancer Recurrence Project aims to revolutionize and bring accuracy to what we know about who’s living with metastatic breast cancer.

Looking At Year 7 On This 'Cancerversary'

January 4th 2021, 5:00pm


Living beyond the statistics and finding a way to celebrate a “cancerversary” with metastatic breast cancer.

Carolina In My Mind

December 31st 2020, 5:30pm


A song can be the gateway to memories on the cancer journey.

Wigging Out Cause of Breast Cancer

December 23rd 2020, 5:00pm


Looking back at my journey with wigs, or "the girls", during my early treatment for cancer.

Being The Dog Walker With Cancer

December 18th 2020, 5:30pm


Becoming a dog owner, and the designated dog walker, while my dog and I both moved through cancer treatment is an experience that has shaped my motivation on the cancer journey.