Lung | Tumor

Lung Cancer

Lung Cancer – The two main forms are small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Non-small cell is by far the most common making up 80-85 percent of all cases. The three most common subcategories within Non-small cell are Adenocarcinoma, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, and Large Cell Carcinoma. Carcinoma is just a fancy word for what type of cells cancer started in.

Symptoms – symptoms can be very difficult to detect early on because the manifestations are often the same as those seen from common illnesses such as a cold or the flu. Common signs and symptoms range from coughing, wheezing, fatigue, pain in the chest, (earlier symptoms) to hoarseness, fluid in the lining of the heart, or fluid in the lining of the lungs (usually later symptoms). There can also be localized symptoms in any area cancer has spread to for example stomach pain on the right side due to cancer had reached the liver. Lung cancer can easily spread to the lymphatic system (your lymph nodes) and spread from there directly to other organs in your body. If you suspect your symptoms are lung cancer please talk to your healthcare provider right away.

Staging of Small Cell VS Non-Small Cell Cancer – Small Cell Lung Cancer is faster-growing cancer and is usually staged by where/if cancer has spread in the body using the terms limited or extensive while Non-Small Cell is staged using a Roman scale I-IV with I being the least severe and Stage IV Lung Cancer being the most severe.

Stage 4 Lung Cancer – when cancer originated in the lungs and begins to spread to other organs it is considered stage 4 means cancer has metastasized and on the move. This is aggressive cancer that traditionally requires aggressive treatment.

Ribbon – The awareness ribbon for lung cancer is white

Cancer Horizons strives to gather information about lung cancer and present it in plain and understandable terms for everyone. If you have an article or other content to refer to us or wish to contribute content please let us know.