Suzanne Lindley

Suzanne Lindley has been living with metastatic colorectal cancer since 1998. She is the founder of YES! Beat Liver Tumors, an organization for individuals living with metastatic liver tumors, and an advocate for Fight Colorectal Cancer.

18 Years of Living With Stage 4 Colon Cancer

September 20, 2016

The number 18 holds special meaning for me as it marks 18 years since I heard these words: “You have incurable colon cancer.”

Living With Cancer Teaches Heartprints Are Forever

May 25, 2016

Never underestimate or take for granted the miraculous impressions that are created in the hearts of our friends.

In a World With Cancer, Miracles Are All Around

May 11, 2016

I am typing this as I wait to be called back for scans. The miracle of imaging and the advances that have been made in the 17 years since my diagnosis do not escape me. I will soon receive the results that will determine my next steps. I will never meet or know all of the people that it takes to create these images, to read the results, or even to help make important choices in moving forward.

May the Circle Be Unbroken: Coping With the Trials and Tribulations of Cancer and Life

January 05, 2016

The trials and tribulations of cancer often morphed with the celebration of simple milestones that allowed my journey to cross the paths of others who became positive influences in my life.