Sonya Collins

Welireg Made a von Hippel-Lindau Survivor Feel Like a 'Medical Miracle'

December 15, 2022

When Sean Korbitz was a 20-year-old college student, his life trajectory changed with a rare cancer diagnosis, resulting in the removal of 40 tumors; fifteen years later, a new drug made him feel like a “medical miracle.”

New Approaches Have Emerged that May Better Treat Secondary Breast Cancer Years After an Initial Diagnosis

October 12, 2022

“Novel approaches to immunotherapy, targeted therapy and combinations with standard chemotherapy are all areas of current research interest,” says an expert at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Sarcoma Center in Boston. “(Secondary breast cancer) can be very challenging when it recurs, so we need to continue to work toward improving systemic therapies through ongoing international trials and collaboration across the community of patients and physicians. That’s what’s going to help us improve outcomes.”