Heather Millar

San Francisco-based Heather Millar is a breast cancer survivor. A journalist for more than 25 years, she has covered health care and science for many national magazines and websites.

Tired of the Cancer Conversation

September 24, 2018

I haven’t written about cancer for about three months. That’s a long time for me.

Power in the Words: Discussing Palliative Cancer Care

July 31, 2018

The approach used in discussing palliative care can play a role in whether a patient seeks help.

Turning the Tide in Glioblastoma

July 27, 2018

Innovations in drug development, surgery, radiation and clinical trials have investigators hard at work in glioblastoma.

Get Moving: The Benefits of Exercising for Cancer Survivors

July 03, 2018

While there has been no hard evidence that exercise can improve survival in patients with cancer, it can boost patients' mood and how they feel.