Gregory Carroll, PhD

As a psychologist specializing in clinician-patient communication, Greg has worn a few hats: university professor, associate dean, foundation executive and independent consultant. Diagnosed in January 2014 with high-grade carcinoma of the head and neck, he underwent extensive surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatment over the next five months. He and his wife Suzanne reside in Connecticut and are profoundly grateful to all the oncology professionals, staff and survivors who treat and support them.

Life Is Too Short for That

September 01, 2017

Coping with losses, one lesson at a time

The Firepower of Radiation Therapy

July 20, 2016

For many head and neck cancers, radiation treatment can be brutal but beneficial.

False Cancer Reassurance Hurts

June 27, 2016

Dismissing or minimizing patients' doubts and worries can make them feel worse.

High-Risk Disease: Neither Here Nor There

May 26, 2016

A poem about anxiety when facing high-risk cancer.