COA Patient Advocacy Network

COA Patient Advocacy Network (CPAN) was created in recognition of the vital role patients should play in advocating for access to local affordable care for all cancer patients. CPAN complements the work of Community Oncology Alliance (COA), which has established a record of unprecedented success in mobilizing community oncology to raise awareness of the issues facing cancer care delivery and to become politically active.

Truly inclusive on all levels, CPAN is a noncancer type specific national network representing all members of the cancer community. CPAN members include patients in active treatment, cancer survivors, professional caregivers, family members, medical and oncology professionals, and members of the general community.

CPAN brings attention to the impact of Medicare legislative policies on cancer patients, specifically the issues affecting local cancer centers. Of great concern is the volume of community cancer clinics that have closed across the United States. CPAN serves as a resource to educate the cancer community about legislative issues affecting the quality and accessibility of cancer care in their own communities. CPAN also serves as a forum for patients to learn how to become advocates for cancer care and provides community oncology practices with education regarding the economic and administrative pressure facing the operation of a community cancer clinic.

CPAN Advocacy Chats - What are CPAN Advocacy Chats?
Launched in August 2020, the CPAN Advocacy Chat series are 30-minute, monthly educational webinars on key cancer issues and the policies that impact them.

Each month, a special guest joins COA’s Director of Patient
Advocacy & Education, Rose Gerber for a conversation on oncology and advocacy related topics. These chats are held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 12:00pm ET. To register visit:

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